Native Americans and Alaska Natives

Everyone, regardless of age or population, is at risk for depression and suicide. Still, Native American and Alaska Native populations may be particularly vulnerable because of historical trauma, traumatic early experiences, and a lack of access to necessary resources. The Lifeline is always there to support you if you need it.

How To Take Care Of Yourself

If you are struggling, there are ways to cope right now. You can also call the Lifeline at any time — Calls are free, confidential, and available 24/7

  • Create a network of supporters↗: It can be beneficial to feel a strong sense of tribal or spiritual connection or cultural belonging. Talking about issues with loved ones or friends can help you feel more connected to the world.
  • Plan your safety↗: If/when you experience depression, suicidal thoughts, or a crisis, have a step-by-step plan prepared so you can begin at step one and work your way through the steps until you feel safe.
  • Speak with someone: Make contact with your network↗ of friends and family, look for a therapist↗ or support group, or call the Lifeline↗.
  • Find a hobby you like to do: Self-care can be a crucial component of your process. Anything that makes you feel good about yourself qualifies as “self-care.”

How to Help

  • Learn the facts: Suicide is a complex, interrelated issue for AI/AN people. War, land loss, and forcible eviction from ancestral lands have all caused trauma among Native Americans. Additionally, there are instances of persistent poverty in the area and higher levels of alcohol and drug abuse.
  • Ask and listen: Participate actively in your loved ones’ networks of support and communicate with them frequently. Be straightforward if they show any suicide warning signs↗. Inform them that discussing suicidal thoughts is acceptable. Use active listening skills and give them a chance to speak without interruption.
  • Get them help and support and look after yourself: Never be afraid to get your loved one the support they may need. It’s never simple supporting a loved one during a crisis. Perhaps you should discuss your feelings with a different friend or a therapist. The Lifeline is always available for communication..

Are You or Someone You Know In Crisis?

You are not alone and help is available, dial the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.

Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

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Take 20 Mins for Life is a suicide prevention NGO that aims to raise awareness and provide resources to individuals struggling with suicidal thoughts.

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